
How To Find Wifi Passwords On Mac

3 Ways To Find A WiFi Password On Mac

3 Ways To Find A WiFi Countersign On Mac


Terminal Updated: Nov 28, 2019

If you demand to find out what your WiFi countersign is on your Mac, here nosotros prove y'all iii piece of cake ways exercise and then without having to check the characterization on your router.

Retrieving your Mac's WiFi countersign is useful if yous desire to share it with a friend or colleague, give someone else access to your WiFi network or to just write it down for safe keeping.

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Fortunately, at that place are ways to do this on Macs without having to access the router or use paid solutions like the fantabulous 1Password.

Here and so are iii like shooting fish in a barrel means to speedily find the saved WiFi password on your Mac including WPA2 passwords for macOS Mojave and Catalina.

Quick Navigation

  • 1. Use Keychain
  • 2. Apply Terminal
  • three. Utilise a Countersign Manager
  • If You All the same Can't Come across Your Mac's WiFi Password
  • Securing Your Mac's WiFi

1. Use Keychain

Keychain is the organisation your Mac uses to shop all your passwords.

Search for "Keychain" on your Mac and open up it.

In the left hand margin, click on System and select Passwords.

3 Ways To Find A WiFi Password On Mac

You must then select the WiFi network that yous desire to know the countersign for.

When y'all click on information technology, another dialog volition pop upward. Just click on "Show Password" at the bottom and the password will be revealed.

3 Ways To Find A WiFi Password On Mac

You may be asked to enter your Mac username and countersign in gild to reveal the WiFi countersign.

If you're not sure what your Mac username is, you lot tin can click on the Apple logo in the top left corner and gyre down to the "Log Out xxxxxx" where xxxxxx is your username.

Did you as well know that you can also utilise Keychain on your Mac to manage passwords on your iPhone or iPad?

You have to gear up it upward showtime but it saves yous having to remember passwords that you utilise on both Mac and iOS.

2. Use Terminal

macOS has a elementary tool called Concluding which allows you to control your Mac using typed commands.

Terminal will also reveal your Mac'due south WiFi password:

Search for "Terminal" in macOS and then type the following line merely brand sure you change "WIFI Proper noun" for the proper name of the WiFi network you lot are continued to.

security find-generic-password -ga WIFI NAME | grep "countersign:

3 Ways To Find A WiFi Password On Mac

You'll then be prompted to enter your Mac admin username and countersign.

When y'all enter them, the WiFi password will appear in Terminal.

three. Use a Password Manager

If you want to notice a WiFi password on Mac without Keychain, then by far your best bet is a password manager.

There are lots of third party apps that will manage your passwords across macOS and iOS.

The virtually well known on Mac is 1Password which is like shooting fish in a barrel to use and most importantly, very secure.

The groovy thing almost 1Password is that you only need ane Master Password to manage all password on your Mac.

3 Ways To Find A WiFi Password On Mac

1Password fifty-fifty keeps rail of suspected breaches of security with your passwords and lets you know which sites are missing 2 factor authentication for more security.

1Password is past far the all-time password managing director for Macs although there are others such equally Dashlane and LastPass.

If You Still Can't Encounter Your Mac's WiFi Password

Of course if all else fails, you lot last option is to find the router that you lot're connected to and check the SSID details on the bottom which should requite you lot details of the network name and password.

This isn't always applied though if your router is inaccessible or you're using a network where you don't know where the router is located.

3 Ways To Find A WiFi Password On Mac

If can access the router but the password has been changed from the manufacturing plant default, you can ever reset the router by putting a pin in the reset slot (which should be in the back of information technology) and holding it in for 10 seconds.

3 Ways To Find A WiFi Password On Mac

Securing Your Mac's WiFi

Finally, if you want to raise the security of your WiFi network and router, consider getting a VPN router.

A VPN router encrypts your traffic and makes it almost impossible for anyone to intercept or steal data from your Mac fifty-fifty if they accept your WiFi password.

There are an increasing number of VPN routers on the market just one worth checking out is Swedish based Vilfo VPN Routers which works with all VPN networks that support the OpenVPN protocol such as NordVPN.

We can also recommend Flashrouters which specializes in VPN routers of all kinds.

3 Ways To Find A WiFi Password On Mac

You lot tin read more about VPNs and VPN routers on Mac here.

We hope we've helped you lot recover the WiFi password on on your Mac but if you have whatsoever problems, questions or doubts let the states know in the comments below.


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